I've recently decided to take the opportunity this summer to attend school at BYU Hawaii, where the beaches are beautiful and the classes are easy. I still have a lot to sort out before going, but the excitement and anticipation continue to build. Pretend you're me....SWEET!How great is life going to be come April? I know right?!
Well here's the catch.
I don't know if you're any type of world traveler, and if not, then you wouldn't already know this, but traveling is mighty rough on the savings account.
In the miniscule amount of traveling that I've done, it's become insanely obvious to me just how spectacular the world around me actually is.So much diversity and opportunity sit out there waiting to be recognized, and I've absolutely fallen in love with that idea of "traveling the world."
No, this love is not the problem.
The problem is, I feel guilty about taking off to Hawaii. It could very well be a grandios adventure, or just an unnecessarily expensive education. I feel selfish spending so much money on an education I could gain here in the states.
Opting for this route would be a decision more focused on my future. It's just that from what I've gathered in my 21 years, money is a fairly essential thing, and spending it solely on myself has just seemed especially selfish slash unnecessary these past few weeks as I've thought about Hawaii.
glorious day.
I came across this old poem I had hanging in my room back in High School.
Mud is not bad for nest building.
Mud and sticks
And a fallen feather or two will do
And require no reaching.
I could rest there, with my tiny ones,
Sound for the season, at least.
If I may fly awhile--
If I may cut through a sunset going out
And a rainbow coming back,
Color upon color sealed in my eyes--
If I may have the unboundaried skies
For my study,
Clouds, cities, river
s for my rooms--
If I may search the centuries
For melody and meaning--
If I may try for the sun--
I shall come back
Bearing such beauties
Gleaned from God's and Man's very best.
I shall come filled.
And, then--
Oh, the nest that I ca
n build!
-carol lynn pearson
My oh my it means so much more to me now!
It is now, at this time in my life, that I need to seize the opportunities that can only be taken by soloists. You know...people who have only themselves to take care of for time being.
Motherhood and a family of my own will bring me more joy than anything else my whole life long. I know that. And the experiences I allow myself to have now, will only be of benefit when it comes time for me to built my "nest"
So my dear friends, I advise you, and me, to leap at those opportunities (pricy or not) that allow us to glean the beauties from God's and Man's very best.
word to your mother.
and her lovely nest.